Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Extreme weather

Now there's a statement for you folks!!!  Anyone would think I've taken a weekend trip to Siberia (though it certainly feels like it) the way the papers go on.  For goodness sake, it was about 10cm of snow which has now all but melted leaving nice sheets of ice that are ever so much fun to go flying across when one is madly dashing for the train, car etc.  Anyone would think it was the apocalypse.  Though sadly does fly in the face of the imminent threat of global warming.  Warming?!  HA!  Chance would be a fine flipping thing, more likely to freeze than to be slowly roasted to death.

Also, it does worry me how everyone seems to completely lose their common sense.  Especially those poor dear souls employed by National Rail.  I mean I'm hardly asking questions at MENSA level.  I wouldn't have thought asking how to get home would cause so much debate or confusion...hmmm...maybe I will accidentally end up in Siberia after all!

Meanwhile I thoroughly enjoyed reading a story about people who were trapped in John Lewis (the department store for those who remember, not an incredibly fat man) in Buckinghamshire (I think) who got snowed in and stayed the night after being offered food and a bed to sleep in!!  How fab, almost tempted to head up there and see this for myself.  Obviously will try and keep it a secret from him indoors lest he gets jealous...!

So I brace myself for what adventures await me tomorrow.